Health Colorado now provides members 18+ unlimited access to an evidence-based online peer support community via smartphones, tablets and PC's!
Wisdo Health is a platform designed to address the harmful consequences of loneliness and social isolation on health outcomes and engagement rates. The platform provides over 30 peer communities to support members struggling with mental health, chronic conditions, life stressors, and social determinants of health.
Wisdo is a friendly online space that is safe, private, and full of people who provide each other with companionship and want to help each other feel better.
The platform uses Al to proactively connect members with specific peers who have been in their shoes and can provide emotional support and companionship to reduce their loneliness and improve their mental health and wellbeing. With the Wisdo app, members are never alone because they are always surrounded by people they can lean on 24/7.
To help spread the word about this resource, we’ve put together some helpful tips and tools right here on this page. Feel free to get in touch if you have any questions.
Warm Regards,
Joe Travers
Director of Client Success
email: | mobile: 585-738-0464
How Do Members Join Wisdo?
Wisdo is accessible to members 18+ via tablets, smartphones or personal computers.
In order to track recruitment and engagement of Wisdo through Health Colorado, it is important for members to utilize on of the following customized access points:
- Clicking on “Get Started” button at –
- Scanning a QR Code (included in the flyers below)
- Texting “JOIN4” to 215-259-3898
Wisdo provides unlimited Technical Support for your members at or 1-256-462-8056
Recruitment Channels
Best practice for promoting resources involves educating every channel of member interaction. Through a collaborative team effort to educate each layer of the care delivery team, members gain confidence they’ve found a resource they can trust.
- Case Management Team - As Care Managers and Case Coordinators interact with members daily, they are able to share information how to access Wisdo while communicating virtually or in person.
- Physicians and Health Providers - We are able to educate Provider relations teams about the Wisdo app so they can provide this excellent resource to your contracted providers and healthcare offices.
- Social Media & Online Presence - Socializing information about Wisdo on your social media platforms as well as your health plan resource pages, can be another effective method to inform members about Wisdo.
- Crisis Management Teams - Wisdo supports members post-crisis and/or in subclinical situations that do not warranting crisis intervention
- Clinical and SDOH Programs - Since Wisdo includes communities about mental health, physical health, and life stressors such as caregiving, informing members enrolled in such clinical programs or SDOH services about Wisdo can work to augment the effectiveness of these programs.
- Direct Communication to Members - SMS and Email can be convenient, efficient methods of providing clear information and direction to members about the Wisdo app while also providing an easy access point.
Recruitment and Activation Materials
Wisdo Overview Flyer for Case Managers and Providers – This brief document includes a description of Wisdo, suggested language to use when describing it to a member, and answers to FAQs members may ask.
Email for internal communication – Suggested email to share internally with different stakeholders about Wisdo and how they can support dissemination to members.
Email to members – Suggested language for an email that can be sent to members about Wisdo and how to access it.
Printable Flyers – a flyer that can be printed in color and placed in clinics and other locations.
Social Media and Online Presence – Posting information about Wisdo on your own website and social media pages can be a highly effective part of the recruitment strategy. Provided below are language for two proposed posts followed by proposed images to accompany the text provided in both English and Spanish.
English 1:
We are excited to share that all Health Colorado members 18 years and older now have unlimited access to the Wisdo support community! Tap into your free source of social support that uses AI to connect you with real people who can help you because they have been in your shoes, and feel cared for 24/7. You are never alone on the Wisdo app. There is no cost to join or use the Wisdo app! Join to get instant community and constant support from real people who have been there. -
English 2:
🌟 Exciting News Alert! 🌟 🎉 Calling all Health Colorado members aged 18 and above! 🎉 We're thrilled to announce that you now have UNLIMITED access to Wisdo! 🌐✨ Wisdo is more than just an online support community—it's your safe space, your tribe, and your go-to for understanding and support. With AI-driven connections, you'll find real people who genuinely get it because they've walked in your shoes. You're never alone with Wisdo! 💬❤️ And here's the best part—joining Wisdo is completely FREE! 🆓 Sign up now to instantly tap into a community that's there for you, 24/7, offering constant support and understanding from those who truly understand. 💪🤝
Spanish 1:
¡Nos complace anunciar que todos los miembros de Health Colorado mayores de 18 años ahora tienen acceso ilimitado a la comunidad de apoyo Wisdo! Aquí podrás aprovechar una fuente gratuita de apoyo social que utiliza IA para conectarte con personas reales dispuestas a ayudarte porque han estado en tus zapatos. Tendrás atención 24/7, de manera que nunca estarás sólo en la aplicación Wisdo. Unirte o utilizar la aplicación Wisdo es gratis. Únete y forma una comunidad instantánea de apoyo constante, personas reales que han vivido lo mismo que tú. -
Spanish 2:
🌟¡Buenas noticias! 🌟 🎉¡Es un llamado para todos los miembros de Health Colorado mayores de 18 años! 🎉 ¡Nos complace anunciar que ahora tienes acceso ILIMITADO a Wisdo! 🌐✨ Wisdo es más que una comunidad de apoyo en línea: es tu espacio seguro, tu tribu y tu fuente de comprensión y apoyo. Gracias a los análisis de IA, conectarás con personas reales que te entienden de verdad porque han estado en tu lugar. ¡Con Wisdo nunca estás solo! 💬❤️ Y lo mejor de todo: ¡unirte a Wisdo es totalmente GRATIS! 🆓 Registrate ahora para tener acceso instantáneo a una comunidad que está disponible para ti 24/7, ofreciéndote apoyo constante y comprensión de aquellos que realmente pueden entenderte. 💪🤝
Suggested Script for SMS Campaign –
Option 1: Health Colorado: Unlock unlimited access to the Wisdo community, your new source for online community support. Get FREE access and feel cared for 24/7 (142 characters)
Option 2: Health Colorado: you now have FREE access to the Wisdo community! Join the free app today for instant, constant support. (125 characters)
Option 3: Health Colorado: you now have FREE access to Wisdo! Feel cared about 24/7 with your online support community. Join now! (120 characters)
Option 4: Health Colorado: Enjoy FREE Wisdo access! Feel cared about 24/7 online community support now! (93 characters)
Sample Creative Elements
About Wisdo
A brief and informative PowerPoint presentation about Wisdo (link)
Evidence-Based: Wisdo has been successfully used in Colorado by over 10,000 members to date. A peer-reviewed manuscript published in JMIR Formative Research summarizing the results in Colorado (link).
User Experience on Wisdo: Below are two brief videos explaining the user experience on Wisdo.
Part 1: Registration, Wellness Profile and Onboard Completion (link).
Part 2: Navigating Peer Connections, Profiles, Individual Communication, Group Discussions, Live Group Coaching, Guides (link).